Regional Food Council of Central Illinois Meetup
Regional Food Council of Central Illinois Meetup
Explore the garden, network, and learn more about current and new food system projects.

Farm to Facebook Live Chat: Illinois Agritourism Preview
Juicy peaches, ripe blackberries, fresh-cut flowers, apple-cider donuts-- farms across Illinois are hitting pick season and offering up a variety of shopping options, on-line and on-farm, to make your summer safe, fun, and delicious. Join in partnership with Buy Fresh Buy Local Illinois for the next Farm to Facebook Live Chat on Sunday, July 26th at 7:30 p.m. for an Illinois Agritourism Preview with Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton and Raghela Scavuzzo, Associate Director of Food Systems Development for Illinois Farm Bureau.

Live Local Conference 2020
Illinois Farm Bureau & Illinois Farmers Market Association 2020 Live Local: Local Food & Farmers Market Annual Conference
Don't miss out on this EXCLUSIVE CONFERENCE! March 10-12, 2020.
Learn more and register: https://www.ilfb.org/get-involved/events/live-local/

Southside Farmers Market
Fresh, affordable food and much, much more!
Where: 210 S. Western Ave (Old Aldi/Save-A-Lot parking lot)
When: 9-11AM
Local health agencies will be at the market with tasty recipes, nutrition activities, and more for shoppers and visitors!

Southside Farmers Market
Fresh, affordable food and much, much more!
Where: 210 S. Western Ave (Old Aldi/Save-A-Lot parking lot)
When: 9-11AM
Local health agencies will be at the market with tasty recipes, nutrition activities, and more for shoppers and visitors!

Lunch & Learn Workshop
Inadequate nutrition can permanently alter a child's brain growth leading to stunted IQ and learning/social challenges. Join us to learn the role hunger plays in a child's development, how to encourage children to try new foods, and how to offer foods repeatedly to shape healthy eaters.
11:00am - 11:30am
(lunch provided)
11:30am - 1:00pm
Kaitlyn Streitmatter
Extension Educator - IL Nutrition Education Program
University of Illinois Extension
To register, contact jill.mcclintock@uhsinc.com
(309) 221-9871

RFFC Quarterly Network Meetup
See You at the next RFFC Network Meetup!
Don't miss the quarterly opportunity to gather with the growing network of people, businesses, and organizations engaged in building a strong regional food system. Come share your project, program, or business activity related to food system development and discuss your challenges and opportunities. Discover new partnerships toward building an accessible, sustainable, and economically viable regional food system!
RFFC Network Meetup
Friday October 25, 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Peoria County Farm Bureau, 1716 N. University St, Peoria, IL
If you plan to attend please let us know HERE!
You can also let us know if you have something to share or a presentation to make to the group (you are encouraged to do so!)
We also suggest you bring a local food favorite to share! A local veggie, fruit, bread, jam, jelly, pickles, or whatever snack that highlights a local food producer. Thirty-Thirty Coffee will be provided.

RFFC - Peoria County Working Group
The Peoria County working group meets at the Peoria County Health Department. Contact Rebecca Cottrell for details at rcottrell@peoriacounty.org

Ending Hunger Together - Community Meeting
Register for the FREE Ending Hunger Together Mobilizing Event for August 8th 9-3 at the East Peoria Festival Building. Email whatsourrecipe@gmail.com with the names of your attendees to register.
Speakers include Andy Fisher, founder of the Community Food Security Coalition and author of Big Hunger.

Greater Peoria Food Innovation Meetup
Do you have a locally produced food product you are trying to get on more shelves? Do you have a food industry technology? A product idea that requires a commercial kitchen? Maybe a restaurant or grocery trying to more efficiently source local foods?
Join us on Wednesday, July 31 for our inaugural Greater Peoria Food Innovation Meetup at Sous Chef in Peoria's historic Warehouse District!
This initial gathering of food innovators from across the region will focus on introductions, networking and conversations around the perceived gaps that exist in the overall food innovation ecosystem within Greater Peoria. All food innovators and entrepreneurs (established or aspiring) are welcome!

Grocery Retail Info Meeting
Community residents and entrepreneurs are invited for a presentation on the report and a discussion with and local resource providers regarding next steps toward developing neighborhood retail grocery options.

Neighborhood Back-to-School Event
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
Join us for free food, family activities, back-to-school physicals, blood pressure screenings, healthy recipes and free school supplies while they last.
St. Ann's Garden of Hope
1010 S. Louisa St., Peoria

Down to Earth Systems Workshop at Spence Farms
This exclusive, unique opportunity to gain insights into the inner workings of Spence Farms. They will look at soil and plant health management, equipment, livestock, grain production and milling, harvesting and packing, record keeping, marketing and building multi-farm cooperatives. This will be an intense and open discussion with plenty of time for questions and answers. Nothing held back!
Spence Farms will provide all meals, chef prepared! Also included will be plenty of specific information on resources, ideas and actual documents to help you model your farm or cooperative experience. Free on farm tent camping is available. Non-campers may seek accommodations at area hotels. This will be a great environment for sharing information between all participants. This two-day event is limited to the first 30 people. Cost is $500.00. To reserve your spot, email Marty at mandk@thespencefarm.com

RFFC Educational Webinar with Better Earth Logistics
Commercial Composting with Better Earth Logistics
Better Earth Logistics is a custom recycling service for food scraps in Central Illinois focused on closing the loop of sustainability through end-to-end composting services.
Phone: (605)313-4141
Access Code: 390364#

RFFC - Quarterly Network Meeting
Mark your calendar for the next RFFC meeting!
Come one and all to share your projects, programs, opportunities, and challenges toward building a strong regional food economy!
Have something you want to share with the group? Put together a 5 min presentation and bring materials to share. We intend for these meetings to be an opportunity for your to share your work, build partnerships, and find needed resources.
Planning to attend? Take a moment to let us know HERE.
Get the event agenda HERE

Grocery Retail Info Meeting
Community residents and entrepreneurs are invited for a presentation on the report and a discussion with and local resource providers regarding next steps toward developing neighborhood retail grocery options.

RFFC - Peoria County Working Group
The Peoria County working group meets at the Peoria County Health Department. Contact Rebecca Cottrell for details at rcottrell@peoriacounty.org

Local Foods, Local Places Workshop
Organized by a variety of public and private partners, the Local Foods, Local Places workshop will take place Wednesday, May 22 andThursday, May, 23. We will concentrate on creating and implementing a local food plan, focusing in particular on Peoria’s South Side. We will build upon work already being done in the community, while drawing from relevant data and trends. Meals and refreshments will be available both days of the workshop.
Preceding the Wednesday workshop, there will be an interactive, pop-up tour of 1312 SW Adams, currently out for Request for Inquiry, envisioned as a Community Engagement Center addressing local food and health access needs. The location of the pop-up tour is only a few-hundred feet away from the workshop, so individuals can easily attend both events.
You can register for the event and pop-up tour here. Event times and locations listed below.
Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out:
Sara Maillacheruvu
City of Peoria, Community Development
Community Engagement Center Pop-Up Tour
Weds., May 22
1312 SW Adams St., Peoria, IL 61602
Two tours, choose preferred time
Tour, 3 – 3:45 pm
Tour, 4 – 4:45 pm
Workshop, Day 1
Weds., May 22
214 Pecan St., Peoria, IL 61602
5:30 – 8 pm
Workshop, Day 2
Thurs., May 23
214 Pecan St., Peoria, IL 61602
9 am – 5 pm

Peoria Grown Cooking Class
Dietitian- led adult cooking class.
Give us an hour and a half of one Saturday in your month and you'll have access to a dietitian, new recipes to cook, a free bag of ingredients, and coupons to use in- store the same day ALL FOR FREE!!
SIGN UP HERE: https://signup.com/login/entry/676986569878778098

RFFC Educational Webinar with Kaitlyn Streitmatter, U of I Extension SNAP Educator
Join us for an educational webinar with Kaitlyn Streitmatter, UofI Extension SNAP Educator.
Dial-in Number (US): (515) 604-9851
Access Code: 548741

Power of Procurement Conference
Power of Procurement: Good Food for our Future
This is a two day convening for national and regional food system leaders, designed to deepen the knowledge base and coordination of those interested in advancing food procurement strategies and the advocacy ecosystem of supportive municipalities.
Learn more at: https://powerofprocurement.org/

The Lettuce Share Romain
ART, Inc in partnership with U of I Extension Master Gardeners: The Lettuce Share Romain
Community Thyme at the Garden
Join us April 27th from 9:00 to Noon at Greeley School to help prepare our community garden for Spring season. Volunteer or just stop by to say hi!
Email Nikki Romain at nikki@artincpeoria.org

Mindshare Midwest: Innovating the Food Chain of the Future
Mindshare Midwest brings together world-class business minds from various industries to share ideas and advance real leadership. The focus of the discussion shifts from year to year, similar to the ever-changing and fast-paced business climate you face today.
In 2019, we will be focusing on “Innovating the Food Chain of the Future: Celebrating the Life and Vision of Dr. Norman Borlaug.”
Register HERE.